Big Five Personality Traits, Cognitive Appraisals and Emotion Regulation Strategies as Predictors of Achievement Emotions


  • Izabela Sorić Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci
  • Zvjezdan Penezić Department of Psychology, University of Zadar, Croatia
  • Irena Burić Department of Psychology, University of Zadar, Croatia

Ključne riječi:

achievement emotions, big five personality traits, cognitive appraisal, emotion regulation strategies


In academic settings, emotions can arise in a variety of contexts and have adverse and interfering effects on learning and performance, especially those of negative valence. Thus, the investigation of their personal antecedents and different strategies implemented by students in order to regulate them, are important topics of research. The aim of this study was to examine the unique contribution of Big Five personality traits (as distal personal antecedents of emotions), cognitive control and value appraisals (as their proximal antecedents) and students' tendencies to reappraise or suppress their emotions (as most important emotion regulation strategies) for experiencing academic emotions of unhappiness, anger, anxiety and humiliation. The sample consisted of 500 high school students who completed the self-report questionnaire during their regular scheduled classes. The series of multiple hierarchical regression analyses showed that all groups of predictors have made significant and independent contribution to the explanation of all analysed emotions.




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